Book Review- The Study of Language (6th eds.) by George Yule

The Study of Language (6th eds.)
George Yule (2017)
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Pp xi + 356
ISBN 978-1316606759 (paper)
$30.30 U.S.
The remarkable shift in the United States’ K-12 School demographic in last two decades required all teachers to be able to support EL’s language, literacy, and content learning in English by educating themselves with the characteristics of discourse and text (Nutta, Mokhtari, & Strebel, 2012, p. 10). Applied linguistics is one of the courses required to be mastered by the teachers of ELs (Nutta, Mokhtari, & Strebel, 2012). The Study of language (6th ed.) is a comprehensive resource for in-service teachers, teacher candidates, and teacher trainers alike. Informed and trained by his years of experience in the field of applied linguistics and teacher education, Yule’s intention is to afford a clear introduction of various topics in engaging manner. Recently edited based on the comprehensive survey of instructors throughout the world, the book includes various contemporary issues, and offers multiple new materials in applied linguistics. 
            The book is organized into twenty chapters. I have been teaching this book for pre-service teacher candidates for two years now, and I categories the chapters under five sections, (a) Language Acquisition, (b) Know your language, (c) Study of Grammar and beyond, (d) Language Variation, and (e) Other.
            Language Acquisition incorporates four chapters, Chapter 1: The Origins of Language; Chapter 12: Language and the Brain; Chapter 13: First Language Acquisition; and Chapter 14: Second Language Acquisition. The first chapter yields broad over-view of the origin of language spanning from the divine source to the genetic source. It is a great starter because students find these ideas interesting, and love to engage in scholarly discussion. Next chapter discusses neurolinguistics in detail. Chapter 13, outlines children’s age with simultaneous language development. Finally, chapter 14 discusses the differences between language acquisition and learning, followed by the acquisition barrier (e.g., age factor, affective factors, etc.) and short history of SLA teaching methodologies, and reforms. The transition between the chapters is smooth, with innumerable talking points that grab readers’ attention persistently.  
            Know your language includes, Chapter 3: The Sounds of Language; Chapter 4: The Sound Patterns of Language; Chapter 5: Word Formation; and Chapter 6: Morphology. In this section, readers get to know sound system used in English language, place and manner of articulation,  including voicing, which help them realize the correct ways of uttering specific English sound. Readers also get information about how a sound is affected by other sounds around it (co-articulation effect), or when it combines with them (phones/allophones, diphthongs), and why we utter certain sounds differently in everyday use of language [e.g., /t/ in tar, butter etc.]. Once readers know the minute underpinnings of sound system in English, they get to learn existing word formation practices (e.g., borrowing, clipping, etc.). Morphology and its various types are discussed in the last chapter of this section which is deemed as an important aspect of language learning, teaching, and research.
            Study of Grammar and beyond incorporates, Chapter 7: Grammar; Chapter 8: Syntax; Chapter 9: Semantics; Chapter 10: Pragmatics; and Chapter 11: Discourse Analysis. This section unfolds with the introduction of the traditional grammar, parts of speech, and agreements, and ultimately draws readers’ attention towards descriptive approach in grammar. Allowing his readers understanding prescriptive and descriptive approaches, Yule, help readers distinguish them without significant effort. What follows is the detailed discussion of descriptive approach in teaching/learning syntax (e.g., deep, and surface structures) and its effectiveness in the light of generative grammar. In addition, Yule includes a discussion of meaning making procedures in terms of semantic features, semantic roles, and lexical relations. Reading trough these topics, a reader becomes aware of the fact that how these things matter in communication, how skillfully we engage in these activities. This section also discusses pragmatics and discourse analysis that enable readers strengthen their linguistic premises and understand meaning in everyday communication beyond semantics (e.g., context, reference, presupposition, etc.). A thorough reading of this section enables readers to successfully decode incomplete, grammatically incorrect, and even fragmented linguistic prompt and understand them, an important premises for the teachers of ELs.
            Language Variation consists of Chapter 18: Regional Variation in Language; Chapter 19: Social Variation in Language; and Chapter 20: Language and Culture. Somewhat related, these chapters make readers aware of variation of English language among speech communities based on region, culture, socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, and contexts. They also highlight various crucial aspects associated with speech communities like standard and vernacular languages, accent and dialect, isogloss and dialectology, official language and language planning, pidgin and creole languages, speech style and shifting, register and jargon, linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity etc.
The final category ‘other’ includes, Chapter 2: Animals and Human Language; Chapter 15: Gesture and Sign Language; Chapter 16: Written Language; and Chapter 17: Language History and Change. This section draws readers’ attention towards the development of human language, change overtime, and its oral, written, and other mediums.
            The potential audience of this book includes, but not limited to, the K-12 content-area teachers, teacher trainers, TESOL professionals, pre-service teachers, ELs, and their families. There is enough information for anyone who wants to learn English language, and interestingly, it does not require any assistance or background knowledge to be able to comprehend this book. Every chapter is followed by three exercises, and a further reading section. The follow-up exercise section includes ‘Study Questions’ directly drawn from the chapter. The ‘Tasks’ portion includes few data-based questions, which link the chapter to similar concept that requires higher cognition, and quick research to engage readers in empirical undertakings. It is followed ‘discussion topics/projects’, which require comparatively longer time, and probably a team effort. Teachers can directly assign these clearly instructed projects as final individual assignment or weekly team-work tasks. In addition, Yule provides a list of references for further studies which adds to the pedagogical value of this book. From pedagogical standpoint the author has taken extensive efforts to compose this book to reach readers of diverse range.
            Wide area (e.g., language origin, grammar, cultural variation in language, to sign language) covered by this book makes it unique in that readers get to acknowledge the core structure of language (form) and their various uses in human life (function). Many authors enjoy organizing topics by the theme, or analytic approaches but Yule abstains himself, and leaves it up to the prudence of the readers, learners, and their teachers. It affords teachers an opportunity to approach this book as dictated by their course objectives and students’ needs.
            Finally, the quality of presentation makes this book an excellent text. Every chapter begins with an interesting quote (e.g., time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana) followed by the author’s perception and explanation, which sets tone for the chapter. Author uses plenty of analogies (e.g., doing semantics is attempting to spell out ...), everyday examples (e.g., ‘dogs’ in our experience…) to enhance comprehension and attract readers finish the chapter. It uses various topographical styles (e.g., topics, sub-topics, are slightly larger and are bold-faced, straight line to separate topics, shaded pages for exercise section, etc.) to help readers keep track of their readings. Thus, the book makes unique contribution by offering powerful and complete synopsis of the key analytic concern in the field of TESOL in very clear and concise manner.
Reviewed by
College of Education and Human Performance, University of Central Florida


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