
Testing EdSurvey, WeMix, Dire, MICE and Other Important R packages with Sample Educational Research PART 2

  Part II         Part I          Part III AUTHOR AFFILIATION Nirmal Ghimire, Ph.D. K-16 Literacy Center at University of Texas at Tyler PUBLISHED February 28, 2023 Student Cognitive Data (School Average) 'data.frame': 164 obs. of 9 variables: $ SN : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ cntschid: int 84000001 84000002 84000004 84000005 84000006 84000007 84000008 84000009 84000010 84000011 ... $ N : int 28 36 35 28 1 6 27 30 30 35 ... $ WTD_N : num 17410 19312 15465 26753 820 ... $ PCT : num 0.489 0.543 0.435 0.752 0.023 ... $ SE.PCT. : num 0.4961 0.4772 0.442 0.7666 0.0178 ... $ MEAN : num 510 446 435 501 260 ... $ SE.MEAN.: chr "6.383587" "5.111687" "4.00493" "5.773581" ... $ X : num 500 NA NA NA NA ... ### c. Changing Names of the Students' Cognitive Scores teacher_2_sub <- teacher_2 |> select (cntschid, MEAN) |> mutate ( school_id = cntschid, reading_score = MEAN,